In the last few months I have fluctuated between strict structure, which usually lasts a day and that day is full of tears and shouting, and complete unschooling where the children get to decide exactly what they want to do and when they want to do it, with only suggestions provided by me. This has not led to much harmony in my home, my head or my heart. The result, we are taking a break to deschool (the process whereby we all just relax and get school out of our systems). We are treating it like a month long holiday where we have lots of fun, follow the children's' interests and I observe to see what they like doing and what they are gaining from their experiences. In the meantime..
A lot of research later and a new plan is formed..
I am undertaking the Thomas Jefferson Education, 7 Keys Certification.
Having read a bit about this on their website, it seems to fit with where I want to be - a big part of the ethos seems to be about 'inspire, not require' and whilst time is structured, the content of the time is left more to the child, with you being a mentor. There is a lot involved with the course, an incredible amount of literature to get through but I am excited as some of this literature includes the novels Pride and Prejudice and Les Miserables. It is about expanding your own learning too, so that you can better inspire your children with their own learning. I hope to get through this at a reasonable pace, and keep momentum going.. so back to lists for daily/weekly tasks!
In the meantime, we are having fun, lots and lots of wet weather walks, which are enjoyed once we are out.
Lots of imaginary play is going on around me. We have been doing lots of crafts.
Some 'science' with crafts..
Lots of reading and other usual activities.
Funny.. I didn't think we had been doing much, but when I look back at the photographs and think about what we have done, it is much more than not a lot.